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Joint University and Small and medium sized enterprises Training

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Gabriele d’Annunzio

Gabriele d’Annunzio

L'Università degli Studi "Gabriele d'Annunzio" di Chieti – Pescara (UDA) è nata nel 1965 come ‘Libera Università’ ed è diventata statale nel 1982. Offre corsi di I e II livello, dottorati di ricerca e corsi post-laurea tra cui: Master, Scuole di specializzazione e Corsi di formazione specialistica, per un totale di circa 36.000 studenti. La ricerca scientifica e l'internazionalizzazione sono di fondamentale importanza all’ UdA. L’università partecipa come coordinatore e partner a numerosi progetti di ricerca ed Erasmus+ nazionali, europei e internazionali. L'UdA è articolata in quattordici Dipartimenti, cinque dei quali sono parte della Scuola di Medicina e Scienze della Salute e due della Scuola di Scienze Economiche, Aziendali, Giuridiche e Sociologiche. Il Dipartimento di Neuroscienze, Imaging e Scienze Cliniche (DNISC), partner di JUST, è un dipartimento interdisciplinare, riconosciuto come dipartimento di eccellenza dal Ministero dell’Istruzione italiano. Il DNISC riunisce tecnologie di imaging, metodi avanzati di analisi dei dati, psicologia, neuroscienze e medicina. La missione principale del DNISC è generare costantemente nuove conoscenze contribuendo con i suoi studi e ricerche all'avanzamento della frontiera della conoscenza scientifica nei campi delle neuroscienze, dell'imaging, della psicologia, della medicina e della salute. Docenti e ricercatori del Dipartimento provengono da diverse aree tra cui Fisica, Medicina, Fisiologia, Psicologia ed Economia e sono coinvolti in progetti interdisciplinari con un obiettivo comune: aumentare la nostra comprensione della biologia umana e in particolare del cervello, utilizzando tecniche di imaging avanzate, alcune delle quali sono state sviluppati all'interno del Dipartimento stesso. A tal fine, il Dipartimento è strettamente integrato con l'Istituto di Tecnologie Avanzate Biomediche e il Centro Studi e Tecnologie Avanzate, due centri di ricerca universitari dedicati rispettivamente all'imaging e alla medicina traslazionale. Il Dipartimento svolge attività di ricerca scientifica ad alto impatto, la maggior parte della quale prevede la collaborazione con università e centri di ricerca internazionali.

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IHF, institut de haute formation aux politiques communautaires asbl, è una organizzazione no-profit con sede a Bruxelles (Belgio) dal 2003. Il suo principale scopo è quello di sostenere la comunità di attori socio-economici (autorità locali, PA come altre società for- e non-profit) nello sviluppo di una vasta rete di cooperazione internazionale attraverso il training specializzato su policies europee e la diffusione dei valori comunitari. IHF sviluppa ed implementa corsi e seminari che hanno per oggetto l’implementazione e lo sviluppo di progetti comunitari. Tali programmi di formazione sono centrati sulle policies e le legislazioni UE, sui rapporti internazionali e le best practices di Project Management, sulle opportunità garantite dalla partecipazione ai programmi centralizzati, e sulla condivisione delle strategie comunitarie di crescita ed innovazione. IHF promuove in sede degli study groups destinati a neolaureati, autorità locali, PMI e università incentivando ad ogni livello la mobilità internazionale di popoli e culture. Dal 2004, più di 500 persone sono state “ospiti” dell’organizzazione che ad oggi è arrivata a totalizzare più di 40 visite-studio. IHF è partner consolidato di numerosissimi progetti a finanziamento centralizzato ed è specializzata nelle attività di disseminazione e valorizzazione. Non in ultimo, IHF è in prima linea anche per quel che riguarda il vigile monitorare delle tendenze legislative europee e di ogni altro evento influente su dimensione comunitaria, le opportunità dei partenariati strategici e le occasioni di networking. Grazie anche al fattore geografico, IHF vanta un punto di contatto diretto con il cuore sociale, politico ed economico d’Europa; rappresentato da MEPs, Associazioni e Istituzioni europee, stakeholders internazionali, gruppi di consumatori, sindacati di categoria, ed altri rilevanti organi che operano su dimensione sociale ed economica.

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Con sedi sia in Italia che a Bruxelles, IDP è una società fondata nel 1996 da un gruppo di specialisti che operano nel settore delle politiche europee e dei programmi di finanziamento europeo dal 1991. IDP vanta più di venti anni di esperienza nello sviluppo, la presentazione e la gestione di numerosi progetti UE. Dal 1999, IDP si prende cura di produrre corsi altamente formativi nel contesto AE e VET con specifico occhio di riguardo alle tematiche comunitarie più strategiche. Attraverso la sua sede belga, IDP fa scoprire ai partecipanti delle sue visite guidate tutte le istituzioni europee e prende parte agli eventi di maggiore spicco internazionale (conferenze, meeting, info days, etc.). Grazie questa estesa rete di rapporti internazionali, IDP intrattiene su base continuativa proficui legami diplomatici con gli uffici e i rappresentanti degli organi amministrativi europei.

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Comenius University in Bratislava is the oldest and biggest university in Slovakia. It was established in 1919 and comprises of thirteen different faculties covering wide range of areas of human knowledge. Up till now, tens of thousands of students have finished the university with academic degrees, and it became truly a national university with noted international recognition. At present, it has approximately 23 000 students studying in various specializations and forms of study programs. As part of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious university in Slovakia, the Faculty of Management at Comenius University in Bratislava is the most recognized managerial and business school in the country. Also, it has been several times awarded by Eduniversal Agency as an “Excellent business school”. One of its key focuses is entrepreneurship research, entrepreneurial education, and consultancy activities for SMEs. The mission of the Faculty of Management is to produce high-class and competitive graduates who are able to work in teams or hold managerial posts in various organizations. The knowledge the faculty provides for its students is continuously growing and kept up to date thanks to its scientific research and development. Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship is the national coordinator for the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) project. The Department has established and operates the Consulting and Development Center for micro, small, and medium-sized companies. The Department also closely cooperates with Slovak Business Agency, Young Entrepreneurs Association of Slovakia, and the University of the Third Age on various projects aimed at the development of entrepreneurial skills and management of microbusinesses. Department is also actively involved in Comenius University Science Park (CUSP). CUSP is primarily oriented on areas of molecular medicine, environmental medicine, and biotechnologies, but it provides space for entrepreneurial activities through its science-business incubator. The ENDURANCE project is coordinated by the Faculty of Management, particularly Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, while staff from the Faculty of Physical Education and Sport are involved in the project as well which reflects the link between entrepreneurship and sports and ensures interdisciplinary approach. Faculty of Physical Education and Sports is the oldest and largest faculty in the field of physical education and sports in Slovakia. Its aim is not only to prepare specialists in physical education and sport, but also in the field of sport science research. Alongside the academic education, the faculty also provides several educational offerings in higher and continuing VET for sports coaches, instructors or teachers.

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Regional Development Agency of Northern Primorska Ltd. Nova Gorica is located in Goriška region of West Slovenia. RDA was established by 6 municipalities in 1999 in order to unite all local, regional and national potentials and to realize development projects financed with national and international resources. The RDA covers an area of 6 municipalities The area has 60.000 inhabitants. The main city is Nova Gorica with 32.000 inhabitants. THE MISSION OF RDA OF NORTHERN PRIMORSKA is to o stimulate development in economic, social, environmental and spatial area in Goriška statistical region; to prepare and implement Regional Development Program and other joint development programs; to gain national and international financing resources; to advise, stimulate and support local entrepreneurship. Different FIELDs OF WORK: • Local Business Centre stimulates development in SMEs and promotes innovative activities including new technologies in different fields; • Department for Regional Development and International Cooperation, which takes care of sustainable development in Goriška statistical region; • Project Office, which takes care of constant information to all target groups; • Department for Rural Development encourages the development of the countryside, seeks partnerships for implementation of developmental initiatives and takes care of the preparation and implementation of local developmental strategies.

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The University of Malaga (UMA) is one of the main institutions of higher education in Spain: it is the first of the Spanish universities involved with the SDGs and the number 40 in the world, according to the Impact ranking of Times Higher Education. Since its founding in 1972, UMA has expanded its prestige and international presence and today has more than 35,000 students, 58 Bachelor's degrees, 53 Master's degrees and 22 doctoral programs, as well as more than 200 degrees of its own. Its activity is carried out in 2 campuses in which they teach and research more than 2500 teachers in 23 faculties and schools. The UMA support mobility to more than 1500 incoming and 1100 outgoing students each year, as well as 200 exchanges of incoming and outgoing researchers per year. UMA is also part of the campus of excellence "Andalucía Tech". The UMA is the first Spanish academic institution to obtain the international seal of 'Entrepreneurial University' awarded by ACEEU a recognition so far achieved by only five other universities in the world. UMA is provided with a Vice rectorate of Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship which connects the business world with the university. It manages student internship programmes in local business and organizations supported by more than 3,230 internship agreements with companies, which allow that more than 12,000 degree and master students can do internships in companies, the most of them SME. Furthermore, the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship vice-rectorate offers employment services and work orientation, providing university professionals to companies or organizations that need qualified personnel.

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Slovak Business Agency (SBA) is the oldest specialized non-profit organization for the support of SMEs in Slovakia. SBA was founded in 1993 by a common initiative of the EU and the Slovak Government. It is the unique platform of public and private sectors supporting the growth of Slovak SMEs for more than 25 years. SBA is a member of the EEN network and has a long track in international projects in topics: start-up support, innovation and cooperation support, women entrepreneurship, clusters, circular economy and social entrepreneurship. SBA is currently implementing two key national projects aimed at support of SMEs as well as non-entrepreneurs, 1) National Business Centre - Bratislava region (for capital city region) and 2) National Business Centre in regions (for 7 self-governing regions outside Bratislava). All these centres serve as one-stop-shops, providing comprehensive systematic support and expert consultancy in form of group professional activities like seminars, workshops, discussion forums, etc., as well as short and long-term individual mentoring support for SMEs as well as non-entrepreneurs, thanks to which SBA disposes of a pool of experts, mentors, contacts and agreements with various local and international stakeholders that deal with the business support issues. In the Bratislava centre SBA runs a business incubator & accelerator, as well as a creative point.

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School of Advanced Social Studies is an independent research-oriented higher education institution in the field of social sciences, located in Nova Gorica (Slovenia), on the western border of Slovenia with Italy, and close to both Austria and Croatia. The School’s strategic vision and thematic focus on high-level applied research in specific areas of EU studies is shaped, first, by the intercultural space in which it is located, secondly, by the transnational character of the region, which has traditionally nurtured strong cross-border linkages and, finally, by the region’s successful, smart and inclusive transformation from traditional industrial and rural region to one with high value-added industry and tourism, in which knowledge played the key role. The activities of the School are guided by strategic orientations towards interdisciplinary, internationalization, excellence, and applicability in teaching and research. During the short period after its founding in 2006, the School has managed to attract and consolidate a highly qualified and ambitious team of mostly younger researchers and university teachers. In terms of measurable scientific achievements, this is currently one of the leading social science institutions in Slovenia. SASS has full accreditation for BA and MA courses as well as for doctoral studies. SASS is providing degree-awarding courses at undergraduate, master's, and Ph.D. levels in social sciences, media studies, and psychosocial counseling. SASS is not only an internationally connected leading national center of excellent social science education and research, but it is also strongly embedded in the local, regional, and national environment by conducting high-level basic research and relevant applied research for businesses and public administrations at local and national levels.

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Internet Web Solutions is a leading provider of information technology (IT) and engineering services based in Málaga. Its business plan has received the finalist award from the City of Madrid in the National Business Competition sponsored by IdeCesem Business School. Internet Web Solutions is specialized in domains like Professional Web Design,Web Development,Software Development,E-Commerce Solutions,E-learning projects and SEO strategies.It also provides online marketing solutions and quality translation services. Internet Web Solutions is providing high-tech,custom and quality web design,Outsourced Web Development and Software Development services with latest and emerging Web Technologies,in particular PHP,Java Script,AjAx and newest DHTML IT languages. Internet Web Solutions has a result-oriented team under one roof that comprises of Software/Web/Creative Designers, Developers, SEO Experts, Programmers, Software Developers and Marketing professionals. Our aim is to make IT technology much more accessible to general and specialized public.

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