Slovak Business Agency (SBA) is the oldest specialized non-profit organization for the support of SMEs in Slovakia. SBA was founded in 1993 by a common initiative of the EU and the Slovak Government. It is the unique platform of public and private sectors supporting the growth of Slovak SMEs for more than 25 years. SBA is a member of the EEN network and has a long track in international projects in topics: start-up support, innovation and cooperation support, women entrepreneurship, clusters, circular economy and social entrepreneurship.
SBA is currently implementing two key national projects aimed at support of SMEs as well as non-entrepreneurs, 1) National Business Centre - Bratislava region (for capital city region) and 2) National Business Centre in regions (for 7 self-governing regions outside Bratislava). All these centres serve as one-stop-shops, providing comprehensive systematic support and expert consultancy in form of group professional activities like seminars, workshops, discussion forums, etc., as well as short and long-term individual mentoring support for SMEs as well as non-entrepreneurs, thanks to which SBA disposes of a pool of experts, mentors, contacts and agreements with various local and international stakeholders that deal with the business support issues. In the Bratislava centre SBA runs a business incubator & accelerator, as well as a creative point.