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Joint University and Small and medium sized enterprises Training

Innovative Collaboration Between HEIs and SMEs Showcased at JUST Project Event in Italy

IDP European Consultant, one of the Italian partners of the JUST (Joint University and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Training) project, successfully organised and executed a project valorisation event in Italy, took place on April 5, 2024.

The event was integrated into the event calendar of the local Starting Finance club, an association of university students focused on economic and financial education both offline through university and community events and online through their social media channels. The event saw the participation of 20 members, primarily HE students and fresh graduates at the beginning of their professional careers.

During the session, IDP presented the genesis and objectives of the JUST project, emphasizing the crucial role of HEI-SME collaboration in bridging the gap between education and the labour market. The participants were introduced to the project’s online platform and deliverables, which highlighted innovative tools developed by JUST to facilitate HEI-SME interaction for joint teaching, work-based learning (WBL) and placements.

The discussions focused on the need for new and innovative curricula that are practical and skills-oriented, addressing the demands of the modern workforce. The event provided a valuable platform for participants to explore the benefits of integrating academic knowledge with practical skills through the collaboration of universities and SMEs.

The feedback from the participants was overwhelmingly positive. Members of Starting Finance appreciated the insights into the international dimension of the JUST project and its relevance to their future careers. The event also underscored the importance of developing curricula that are aligned with the needs of the job market, enhancing the employability of graduates.

The JUST project aims to bridge the gap between education and the world of work by bringing together universities and HEIs and micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to develop coherent, relevant, and up-to-date curricula using micro-credentials. JUST is an EU project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. The partnership comprises nine partners from five different countries (Belgium, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, and Slovakia), with representation from both the university sector (four partners) and the business sector (two partners). Additionally, two business agencies and one organisation from the tertiary sector are actively involved.

For more information about the JUST project, please contact: just.training.eu@gmail.com

Project website: www.just-training.eu

YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/JUSTchannel

