Time and tasks management Learning outcomesClick to read
Personal organization Click to read
It involves a set of abilities that can be acquired and improved. Personal organization: Objectives Personal organisation implies knowing the starting point before starting a task, what the objectives are, knowing the available resources, planning a procedure and establishing a timetable. Objectives should be SMART. Personal organization: SMART objectives let Personal organization: Objectives
Planning activitiesClick to read
To know about the urgency-importance matrix and how to handle it, access these videos by scanning QRs or clicking the links. After, comment with partners or mates.
Stop time thieves in meetings: attitude and behavior to avoid themClick to read
What are time thieves? In the world of work, they are those activities or people or even situations that make you waste your time. There are external and internal ones and you have to be the one who decides if they are going to steal your time or not. There are two time thieves:
External Time Thieves:
It is one of the most frequent time thieves. They can be: calls, visits without an appointment, requests for help... When you are faced with an interruption, it is important that you remain firm and decide whether or not your time is stolen.
The notifications are almost never urgent, for example:
You must lose the fear of being disconnected from these channels for a few hours. How to avoid :
If you work with other people, you will necessarily have to attend meetings; also with clients, partners or suppliers. Meetings in themselves are not time-stealers, only when they are done badly, so that your meetings don't become time-stealers Important aspects
Internal Time Thieves:
The best thing to do is to dedicate some time each day to planning and monitoring activities.
You know that these tasks are not going to go away; by postponing them you only manage to turn them into urgencies later on.
What is Pomodore technique? Watch this video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mNBmG24djoY Internal Time Thieves:
These two behaviors rob you of a lot of time and energy. When you don't delegate some of your tasks and pretend to do everything, you overload yourself and run out of time for the tasks that are really important
In your personal life and in your work, interaction with other people is very frequent. In order for these interactions not to become time-stealers that slow down your productivity, you need to train your communication skills. Summing upClick to read
Time organization; Personal organization; Urgent-important matrix; Procrastination; Communication; Deadlines; Distractions
Objectives/goals:The objectives of this module are to underline the importance of personal organization, to explain what urgent-important matrix is and how to use it, and to teach how to avoid procrastination.
Time, tasks and teamwork management
Unit 1: Time and tasks management
Section 1: Personal organization
Section 2: Planning activities
Section 3: Stop time thieves in meetings: attitude and behaviour to avoid them
Goals intro:
SMART goals:
Time manager techniques:
Eisenhower matrix:
Google Calendar: