The ‘Gabriele d’Annunzio’ University, established in 1965 as a ‘Libera Università’, became state-owned in 1982. It offers 1st and 2nd cycle courses, PhD courses, and also post-graduate courses including: Master’s Programmes, Specialisation schools and Specialist training courses, with around 36.000 students currently enrolled at UdA. Scientific research and Internationalization are of outmost importance at UdA. We take part, as both coordinator and partner in many national, European and international research and Erasmus+ projects.
UDd comprises fourteen Departments, five of which are organised under the School of Medicine and Health Sciences and two under the School of Economics, Business, Legal and Sociological Sciences.
The Department of Neuroscience, Imaging and Clinical Sciences (DNISC), partner of JUST, is an interdisciplinary department that has received an excellence award from the Italian Ministry of Universities and Research. DNISC brings together imaging technologies, advanced data analysis methods, psychology, neuroscience and medicine through its commitment to research and training based on rigorous scientific methods and interdisciplinarity. The DNISC's primary mission is to constantly generate new knowledge by contributing with its studies and research to the advancement of the frontier of scientific knowledge in the fields of neuroscience, imaging, psychology, medicine and health. The Department’s tenured academics and researchers come from diverse areas including Physics, Medicine, Physiology, Psychology and Economics, and are involved in interdisciplinary projects with a common goal: to increase our understanding of human biology and in particular the brain, using advanced imaging techniques, some of which have been developed within the Department. To this end, the Department is closely integrated with the Institute of Advanced Biomedical Technologies and the Centre for Research and Advanced Technologies, two university research centres dedicated to imaging and translational medicine respectively.
The Department carries out high-impact scientific research, the majority of which involves collaboration with international universities and research centres.